1 November 2014

Moon Pun

Moon Pun

It's funny if you think about it too long...

15 October 2014

The Shooting Star

The Shooting Star

Children have questions. Sometimes you might feel tempted to make up the answer. Do it. Make this world more magical.

15 September 2014

1 September 2014

15 August 2014

It's All About Notoriety

It's All About Notoriety
"Notoriety isn't better than fame, but it sure as hell beats obscurity" A Quote by Terry Pratchett and/or Neil Gaimen from the book Good Omens

I think Napoleon said something similar.

15 July 2014

The Birds and Bees

The Birds and Bees
Did you know about the waggle dance? Bees are fascinating animals.

1 June 2014

The Heligoland Albatross

The Heligoland Albatross

So, this is a real news item I am exited about: A Black-browed Albatross was sighted near Skagen in Denmark on the 25/26th of May, and then in Heligoland in the last week of May and into June. There is more about this on the ACAP Website here..

Maybe one day I'll see my first Albatross here in Portugal...

1 May 2014

An Ill Literate

An Ill Literate
It's not a very good joke, but I made it up myself. So that's nice.

15 March 2014

The Albatross Adventurer

The Albatross Adventurer
Well, If you know nothing of Internet Memes, you might wonder about this one. But If you got the joke, leave a comment and we are friends.

1 March 2014

Calamari al profumo di limone

Calamari al profumo di limone
Ocean Acidification is becoming more and more of a problem. This week I heard of a study that concluded that higher levels of dissolved carbon in the water makes it so that fishes get caught more easily by predators. Sadly there is no lemon flavor involved.

1 February 2014

Asleep at the wing

Asleep at the wing

The heligoland albatross is back for the 4th year running... or rather flying. And speaking of flying. Did you know that albatrosses can sleep in the air? Cool, hu?

15 January 2014

Albatross T'ai chi

Albatross T'ai chi

Albatross T'ai chi ch'uan - Why not? It's a stressful life.

1 January 2014

Striving to be a Better Albatross

Striving to be a Better Albatross

The most splendid achievement of all is the constant striving to surpass yourself and to be worthy of your own approval.

quote by Denis Waitley