15 December 2013
1 December 2013
15 November 2013
Plastic Currency

This one is about Plastic Pollution and a bit about greed.
1 November 2013
Save the Albatross

They are not cuddly cute, nor can they be ever held in a zoo because a thousand mile flight is a stroll around the block for them. So most people don't even know what an albatross is, and those who do, have never seen an albatross, nor will they, as albatrosses mostly live in remote parts of the southern hemisphere, far away from civilization. If, by chance, you do come across an albatross, you cannot pat it, and the only dignified way to capture it, is in a poem, or a photo if you've got a big telescopic lens because you may not come too close. Albatrosses are not at all like Pandas. If they were more like pandas, maybe fundraising would be easier.
Unfortunately albatrosses are no strangers to the IUCN Red List. Too many birds drown caught on long-line fishing hooks as they try to eat the bait. Uncounted others die due to plastic pollution. These magnificent seabirds need our help.
How? Well, here's the pitch: If you buy a signed print of a witty Albatrosses cartoon for 40 euros (Here in our online store), we will ship it to you free of charge in a plastic-free package and give 20 euros to the Foundation for Antarctic Research to help them learn more about the Albatross. The funds will be used to buy bird tags for the albatrosses on Diego Ramirez to study the overlap of the bird's feeding areas with the fishing areas.
Albatrosses is a twice-monthly comic strip I draw about a somewhat unusual colony of albatrosses lost somewhere in the South Pacific. Its aim is to reveal the plight of the albatross to everyone using wit and humor, promoting a better understanding of the need to save the albatross along with the panda.
Help me Save the Albatross,
Marc Parchow

- Buy the Albatrosses Prints HERE to help save the albatross.
- If you have any question you can contact me at marc (at)qualalbatroz (dot)pt
- And If you want to know more about the Foundation and the Diego Ramirez project, please mail Sandra Birnhak at birnhardt (at)aol (dot)com
15 October 2013
Darth Vader Poop

Star Wars Poop? Sadly, plastic bits in albatross faeces is not such a rare thing. That's plastic polution for you. Please reuse your plastic bags.
1 October 2013
15 September 2013
1 September 2013
15 August 2013
1 August 2013
15 July 2013
1 July 2013
Three Wise Albatrosses

An Albatrosses T-shirt? What do you think?
Oh, and here is a bit of a Making of, just for you.

21 June 2013
What Way to Bloom County

1 June 2013
Mouse Predation

15 May 2013
The Redneck Albatross

Some of you might not know what Tipping Penguins means, right? Well, It's like cow-tipping, but with penguins it's more fun, because they slide farther.
1 May 2013
15 April 2013
Whooping Cranes have it worse.

1 April 2013
15 March 2013
Plastic Haute Couture

1 March 2013
15 February 2013
100th Cartoon and Cake

And we'd like to thank you all for staying with us for almost 5 years. Here, have some Cake, but be careful, this particular cake is a Lie. Shall we try to get to 200?